Webinar: WONJI -Working ON Not Just IN their practices

Livestorm (online)

Veterinarians and their teams are so deeply embedded in the day to day tasks of running a practice that they lose sight of their vision, mission, and core values. Assuming that they have them. Those practices that are most successful will WONJI. What is WONJI - Working ON Not Just IN their practices. Learn how […]

Webinar: Feelin’ Retro…virus?

Livestorm (online)

This webinar will cover: Review the pathogenesis of feline leukaemia virus Discuss diagnostic challenges associated with FeLV Discuss the history of and current evidence related to feline injection site sarcomas Review immunologic principles of vaccines and discuss current options for FeLV prevention SPEAKER: Karen Stasiak, MSN, DVM, MSc(CMID) Dr. Karen Stasiak is the Head of […]

Webinar: Latest Research: Supporting production efficiency of modern livestock

Livestorm (online)

Programme: 18h00 - 18h05: Welcoming and introduction of speaker - Adéle Rothmann - Virbac Product Manager: Micronutrients & Nutrition 18h05 - 19h15: Presentation by Dr Paula Gonzalez-Rivas 19h15 - 19h30: Q&A session Speaker bio: Dr Paula Gonzalez-Rivas is the Technical Services Manager for Livestock Nutrition at Virbac Australia. She is a veterinarian with a Master's degree […]