Welcome to the 10th SA Veterinary & Paraveterinary Congress that will be held at Emperors Palace in Kempton Park from 16-18 July 2019
The Congress is the South African Veterinary Association’s biennial event organised by SAVETCON Event Management and aims to bring together hundreds of veterinarians, professionals, experts, researchers and exhibitors to strengthen the links and communications and to achieve closer collaboration between Physicians, Veterinarians and all appropriate stakeholders to improve the different aspects of health and welfare of humans, animals and the environment.
The SAVA Congress provides a unique opportunity for veterinarians in all branches of the profession to come together to explore the challenges that face animal health and welfare, to find solutions where possible and to demonstrate the value of the profession for the public good in a changing world.
I am pleased to announce that for this year’s congress, we were able to not only not increase registration fees since 2017 – we actually lowered them! SAVA-members save 30-35%, non-SAVA members save up to 9% and retired vets and Paraveterinarians pay up to 17% less than in 2017.
Registration is open and I encourage you to make use of the special rates by registering now.
The NVCG Pre-Congress Day will take place on the 15th of July with the full congress starting on the 16th of July. For more information, please click on this link: NVCG
For additional information and to see the programme, please go to the congress website at https://savetcon.co.za/Congress2019/
I look forward to welcoming you to our 10th Biennial Congress in July.
Prof. Darrell Abernethy
Chairperson: Congress Organising Committee 2019