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Dear Annelidans
We are privileged to invite you to the 14th International Polychaete Conference (IPC) to be held at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study in the beautiful university town of Stellenbosch, South Africa, during 3-7 July 2023. The conference will be hosted by Stellenbosch University and IZIKO South Africa Museum, the home of the historical Day Polychaete Collection.
The IPC provides an excellent opportunity to exchange research ideas and findings, to meet with old friends and colleagues and to forge new relationships. All polychaetologists (in the fields of taxonomy, biology, ecology, systematics, evolutionary biology, developmental biology, etc.) are invited to participate.
As this will be the first time that the IPC will be held in Africa, we invite you to join us for this historical event in the heart of the South African winelands.
We are delighted with the interest in the conference. We received total of 159 abstracts from 31 countries across the globe, making this a truly international conference. Abstract notifications will be sent to all by the 20th of April 2023.
We are also excited to announce that the IPC14 will co-host the XVI South African Society for Systematic Biology 2023 Conference (SASSB) from 5-7 July 2023 at STIAS in Stellenbosch, South Africa.
The SASSB Conference is an important platform to network with fellow taxonomists, systematists, evolutionary biologists to discuss ideas, share research, and develop the disciplines within southern Africa.
We look forward to welcoming everyone to Stellenbosch in July 2023.
Carol Simon
International Polychaete Association President
IPC 14 Organising Committee Chairperson
The International Polychaetology Association (IPA) is a nonprofit international organization whose purpose, according to the IPA Constitution is to “encourage research on Polychaeta and stimulate others to participate and cooperate through informal meetings and correspondence; to provide a forum for exchange of ideas; to establish a means and an opportunity for personal contact and interaction in aiming for better mutual understanding; to serve as a liaison body among polychaetologists; and to introduce new students to the workers in this field.”
Read an illuminating account of the life of polychaete colleague, Dr. Donald J. Reish.
Read the International Polychaetology Association (IPA) Code of Conduct
Previous Conferences
1. Sydney, Australia
2. Copenhagen, Denmark
3. Long Beach, California, USA
4. Angers, France
5. Qingdao, China
6. Cutitiba, Brazil
7. Reykjavik, Iceland
8. Madrid, Spain
9. Portland, Maine, USA
10. Lecce, Italy
11. Sydney, Australia
12. Cardiff, Wales, UK
13. Long Beach, California, USA