Our annual meeting will take place under the theme: Food Safety testing for increased intra-Africa trade: One Standard, One Test, One Certificate – accepted everywhere. It will be hosted from 8-11 November 2021 as a fully virtual meeting and exhibition.
This meeting’s new flexible virtual format will enable us to safeguard our members’ well-being and facilitate your participation wherever you are based, while at the same serving you with access to valuable online discussions within our community.
Call for Abstracts
The AOACI-SSA Meeting invites all our Young Scientists* to submit proposals for oral presentations for the 3rd Annual Meeting. Proposals may be submitted between 20 September-17 October. We are encouraging submissions in the field of the Annual Meeting topic as well as analytical science and technology including the following topics: identification and quantification of contaminants – chemical and microbiological in food; nutritional composition of foods – i.e. dietary fibre, vitamins, minerals etc.; food allergens; food authenticity and adulteration; sampling and sampling plans; advances in food testing; novel approaches in food analysis; food policy, regulations, laws and standards; testing of traditional African foods; laboratory accreditation and proficiency testing. Priority will be given to abstracts relevant to the meeting theme and aligned to one of the above subthemes click here
We will provide 4 days of stimulating presentations designed to initiate discussions. We will also have a fully virtual exhibition hall where you can engage with our partners, a networking lounge to engage with follow meeting attendees and many more engaging features.
To download the preliminary programme, click here.