The Southern African Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine is pleased to announce
the 20th Annual Congress that will be held from 23-25 August 2023 at the
Avani Gaborone Resort & Casino in Gaborone Botswana.
SASVEPM believes in healthy animals, healthy humans and a healthy planet. The One Health perspective considers animals, people and environment and ensures that people and communities are involved in the decisions that affect their health and environment. Focussing on animals is just part of caring for the delicate balance of health that includes soil, air, water, topography, population density, markets, culture, and tradition.
A key to the approach is collaboration – across disciplines, professions, borders and groups – that builds holistic solutions with a lens of inter-connectedness.
20th Annual Congress of the Southern African Society for Veterinary Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine
23-25 August 2023 | Avani Gaborone Resort & Casino, Botswana
Dear SASVEPM Members
On behalf of the Southern African Society for Veterinary Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine EXCO it is with great pleasure to invite you all to the 20th Annual SASVEPM Congress at the Avani Resort & Casino in Gaborone, Botswana from 23-25 August 2023. We are promising a platform that will continue to provide opportunities for interesting attendee engagements.
The 20th SASVEPM congress is offering a forum for authors to present research, as oral or poster presentations, to the SASVEPM audience under the theme “One Health – Without Borders” with six subthemes. SASVEPM is further looking forward to hosting some of the World’s renown scientists as guest speakers to unpack the subthemes and beyond.
SASVEPM believes in healthy animals, healthy humans and a healthy planet. The One Health perspective considers animals, people and environment and ensures that people and communities are involved in the decisions that affect their health and environment. Focussing on animals is just part of caring for the delicate balance of health that includes soil, air, water, topography, population density, markets, culture, and tradition.
A key to the approach is collaboration – across disciplines, professions, borders and groups – that builds holistic solutions with a lens of inter-connectedness.
I look forward to meeting you all at the 20th Annual SASVEM Congress.
Dr Noluvuyo Magadla
President, SASVEPMo
- 24 March – Abstract Submission Opens
- 24 March – Early Registration Opens
- 24 March – Willie Ungerer call for nominations Opens
- 31 May – Abstract Submission Closes
- 23 June – Willie Ungerer call for nominations Closes
- 10 July – Abstract Acceptance Notices
- 14 July – Early Registration Closes
- 01 July – Nomination for SASVEPM Executive Committee Opens
- 30 July – Nomination for SASVEPM Executive Committee Closes
- 14 August – Regular Registration Closes
- 18 August – Final payments. After 18 August a 10% penalty fee will be applied to outstanding registration fees.
IMPORTANT – Early registration should be paid by the due date as posted. Payment not received by due date will automatically be carried over to the Regular registration fee. Regular fees must be paid by 14 August 2023. Payment not received by the 14th will incur a 10% penalty fee.
Member – Full Early (until 14 July 2023) | R5,750.00 |
Member – Full Regular (until 14 August 2023) | R6,850.00 |
Student Member – Full Early (until 14 July 2023) | R2,300.00 |
Student Member – Full Regular (until 14 August 2023) | R2,650.00 |
Retired Member – Full Early (until 14 July 2023) | R2,800.00 |
Retired Member – Full Regular (until 14 August 2023) | R3,100.00 |
Virtual Attendance – Regular | R3,500.00 |
Virtual Attendance – Student Member | R1,400.00 |
Virtual Attendance – Retired Member | R1,750.00 |
– Congress (refreshments & lunches) | R1,500.00 |
– Welcome Reception | R 400.00 |
– Gala Dinner | R 650.00 |
Oral Presentation Guidelines
- The time given for oral presentation is 15 minutes only, then 5 minutes for questions.
- Note that the audience usually reads the text on a slide before they listen to the speaker. So:
- Minimise the text on the slides to essential information only.
- Keep it simple.
- Avoid reading out loud the text as it is on the slides.
- Practice your oral presentation thoroughly beforehand to make sure the timing is correct.
- We recommend that you limit the total number of slides based on the time that you are allocated.
- For a 15-minute talk, about 17 slides with text are suggested as a guide.
- With pictures, it advised to put no more than 2 per slide for good visibility.
- Make sure any graphs or charts are easy to understand. Check that the caption is large enough read from a distance.
- Avoid animations and videos unless they are pivotal to the presentation.
- If you must include a video, it is up to you to make sure that it is set up correctly to play. Please inform Corne if there is a video in you presentation, [email protected].
- Referencing, consent for images or tables should be available on request.
Text and Layout
- Please include a key message slide at the beginning or end of the presentation. This should highlight the main relevance of your project and the practical application of your findings.
- Recommendations:
- Plain white background and black text for presentations
- Font sizes: Title 40, Subtitle 30, Text 28.
- A large font is recommended so all text is legible.
- Use the same font throughout the presentation.
- Maximum of 7 lines of text per slide. Prefer bullet lists with short sentences.
- Use italics or bold to emphasise certain words or phrases.
- Remember to check the spelling before sending the final version.
Poster Presentation Guidelines
- Poster presenters must print their own posters and bring them to the congress.
- The maximum poster size is A0 (approx. 84cm x 119cm).
- Posters must be printed on 180 gsm paper.
- Poster must not be laminated, or printed on material etc.
- Poster boards and the means to attach them will be provided by SASVEPM.
- The posters will be on display throughout the congress.
- Presenters have been notified of which poster session they are allocated to. Each poster presenter must stand by their poster and present it to interested audience members during their allocated session in the program.
- If a presenter is not there during the allocated time, then they will not be considered for the “Best Poster Presentation” prize.
- SASVEPM does not specify poster presentation formats, but templates are available online (click here for examples).
- If you experience problems with printing please contact Corne Engelbrecht for assistance, [email protected].
The new ExCo members will be elected during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held at the Annual Congress on 24 August 2023 at Avani Gaborone Resort & Casino in Botswana. No new nominations will be accepted during the AGM meeting. All SASVEPM members can join the meeting and vote online if needed.
- Dr Mohamed Sirdar
- Dr Wonderful Shumba
Itumeleng Matle
Dr. Itumeleng Matle graduated with a Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture from the University of South Africa in 2020. He also graduated from the Tshwane University of Technology with a B-Tech degree in Veterinary Technology and an M-Tech in Environmental Health. He is currently a senior researcher and head of laboratory at the Agricultural Research Council: Onderstepoort Veterinary Research. Dr. Matle has over 14 years of experience in the fields of veterinary diagnostics and laboratory science. Dr. Matle’s experience cuts across various fields of veterinary diagnostics pertaining to veterinary bacteriology, food microbiology, genomic epidemiology of foodborne bacterial pathogens, and laboratory management. He is an NRF Y-rated researcher who has supervised several honours, and MSc students and a PhD student. Dr. Matle has published (authored and co-authored) 22 peer-reviewed articles in accredited journals (local and international). At present, Dr. Matle serves as a reviewer for several journals, including Frontiers in Microbiology, Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Infection, Genetics, and Evolution Journal, and MDPI-Pathogens. He also serves on various national committees, such as the SAVC paraveterinary specialization committees; South African Veterinary Laboratory Scientific Forum, and the Brucellosis Working Group, just to mention a few. As a researcher, the career goal is to conduct research and knowledge dissemination in veterinary bacteriology and food microbiology through the integration of phenotypic and microbial genomic techniques to make proposals for the detection of infectious disease pathogens.Dr. Itumeleng Matle graduated with a Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture from the University of South Africa in 2020. He also graduated from the Tshwane University of Technology with a B-Tech degree in Veterinary Technology and an M-Tech in Environmental Health. He is currently a senior researcher and head of laboratory at the Agricultural Research Council: Onderstepoort Veterinary Research. Dr. Matle has over 14 years of experience in the fields of veterinary diagnostics and laboratory science. Dr. Matle’s experience cuts across various fields of veterinary diagnostics pertaining to veterinary bacteriology, food microbiology, genomic epidemiology of foodborne bacterial pathogens, and laboratory management. He is an NRF Y-rated researcher who has supervised several honours, and MSc students and a PhD student. Dr. Matle has published (authored and co-authored) 22 peer-reviewed articles in accredited journals (local and international). At present, Dr. Matle serves as a reviewer for several journals, including Frontiers in Microbiology, Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Infection, Genetics, and Evolution Journal, and MDPI-Pathogens. He also serves on various national committees, such as the SAVC paraveterinary specialization committees; South African Veterinary Laboratory Scientific Forum, and the Brucellosis Working Group, just to mention a few. As a researcher, the career goal is to conduct research and knowledge dissemination in veterinary bacteriology and food microbiology through the integration of phenotypic and microbial genomic techniques to make proposals for the detection of infectious disease pathogens.
Keleabetswe Selina Malepe
CAREER HISTORY University of South Africa-Veterinarian and Lecturer-2017/05 to date Key Performance Areas Teaching and learning- Compiles tutorial material by incorporating current trends in the discipline into tutorial material, Quality assures tutorial material by adhering to quality standards regarding the design, content and publishing requirements for UNISA’s tutorial material, Teaches undergraduate courses, Sets assignments and examination papers (formative, as well as summative assessment), Acts as module leader or course coordinator, Conducts discussion classes, group visits, lectures and practicals. Community Engagement- Participates in curriculum related community engagement and/or research-related community engagement. Academic citizenship- Participates voluntarily in University structures/committees on various levels, Is involved with professional, national and international bodies/boards that are related to his/her discipline expertise Agricultural Research Council – Research Veterinarian – 2015/11 to 2017/04 Key Performance Areas Research on Rabies control. Head of the Lab in the Rabies and BSE diagnostic laboratories Diagnostic services and Quality Management System (QMS): Monitor the activities in both diagnostic labs. Diagnostic testing of routine sample in the Rabies lab Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries – State Veterinarian – 2014/02 to 2015/10 Key Performance Areas Evaluating recommendations for approval of import/export establishments in accordance with the Meat Safety Act and applicable legislation/standards. Evaluation/completion of questionnaires. Assist in National Monitoring Programs (Residues and Microbiology). Assist in coordination of drafting concepts of legislation and other matters concerned therewith
Munyaradzi Christopher Marufu
Prof. Munyaradzi Christopher Marufu qualified as a veterinarian at the University of Zimbabwe in 2006, obtained an MSc in 2009 from the University of Fort Hare and a PhD in 2014 from the University of KwaZulu-Natal. He worked as a Chief State Veterinarian in the Eastern Cape Province from 2008 until 2012 and then in Gauteng Province from 2013 until 2016. Chris was appointed a Senior Lecturer: Farm Animal Veterinarian and Head of the Production Animal Clinical Section at the Onderstepoort Veterinary Academic Hospital in 2016, a position he held until his appointment as a Senior Lecturer: Veterinary Parasitology in the Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases in the Faculty of Veterinary Science at the University of Pretoria in 2019. He was subsequently promoted to the position of Associate Professor in the same department in 2023 as a recognition of his exceptional research and teaching work on the epidemiology of parasitic diseases. Chris has been a regular contributor to the SASVEPM and ISVEE through his own presentations at congresses and symposia as well as through his students’ participation at these fora. He envisions his contribution to the SASVEPM ExCo to be increasing the Society’s footprint and assisting to establish branches of the society in different Southern African countries.
Oonagh Pretorius
Dr. Oonagh Pretorius (BSc., BVSc., MSc.) earned her BSc in Veterinary Biology and Bachelor of Veterinary Science from the University of Pretoria, in 2011 and 2015, respectively. In 2020, she completed her master’s degree in Tropical Animal Health from the Institute for Tropical Medicine, Antwerp and the Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases at Onderstepoort, University of Pretoria. From 2016 to 2021, she worked as a State Veterinarian, providing animal health services in Bushbuckridge, Mpumalanga, where agronomic development is consistently constrained and threatened by livestock diseases. In 2021, she was the recipient of a Fulbright Fellowship and an International Peace Scholarship to pursue her PhD in epidemiology at the University of California, Davis. She is currently making her way back to South Africa to begin her third year of research. Oonagh is committed to the improvement of rural livelihoods in southern Africa through a One Health approach to infectious disease control at the wildlife-livestock-human interface. Her research interests include infectious and wildlife disease epidemiology and modelling, currently focusing on surveillance and control of African Swine Fever in South Africa.
Tandile Nwabisa Ndobeni
Dr Ndobeni did her compulsory community service at Tsolo Agriculture and Rural Development Institute; she thereafter was appointed as a state veterinarian at Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform in the Eastern Cape province. Currently, she is a state veterinarian at the Gauteng Department of Agriculture Rural Development and Environment under the primary animal health directorate. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Animal Production) from the University of Fort Hare, Bachelor of Veterinary Science from the University of Pretoria, and Master of Science in Paraclinical Science from the University of Pretoria. While she was in the Eastern Cape, she co-authored a paper titled “Exploratory study on relationship among body weight, body condition score and some blood biochemical parameters of non-descriptive goats in Mzimvubu local municipality: a case of Santombe village”. She has started building collaboration with other research groups including ARC-OVI on the epidemiology of diseases of national importance.
Tlou Simon Phukubye
Phukubye Tlou Simon is a Veterinarian for Aquatic Organisms at the National Department of Fisheries, Forestry and the Environment (DFFE) in South Africa. He holds an MSc in Aquatic Veterinary Studies from the University of Stirling, Scotland, United Kingdom and a Bachelors of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya. Phukubye Tlou Simon has extensive knowledge of veterinary and para-veterinary professions, animal protection, animal identification, and animal diseases acts. He is familiar with WOAH/OIE Aquatic Animal Health Code and OIE WAHIS portal usage and is proficient in laboratory management and ISO17025 for laboratory accreditation and approval. Phukubye Tlou Simon is fluent in English, Sepedi, Tswana, and Swahili.
Dear SASVEPM Members,
You are cordially invited to attend the 20th Annual General Meeting of the Southern African Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine. This is a proud moment when the Society will host the Annual Congress outside of South Africa for the first time.
The meeting will take place at 16:00, 24 August 2023, at Avani Gaborone Resort & Casino in Botswana. It will also be possible to attend online for those members who are unable to attend the congress in Gaborone.
The new ExCo members will also be elected during the AGM. No new nominations will be accepted during the AGM meeting. All SASVEPM members can join the meeting and vote online if needed.
- Dr Mohamed Sirdar
- Dr Wonderful Shumba
For an efficient meeting, please read through the attached documents before attending the meeting. Thank-you. The financial report will be sent out closer to the meeting time when it is ready.
- Tuesday 22 August 2023
- 15h00 – 17h00: Registration opens.
- 17h30 – 20h00: Welcome Reception at Avani Resort
- Wednesday 23 August 2023
- 08h00: Official Opening
- 08h30: Keynote 1 – Prof. Bruce Gummow
- 10h30: Mid-morning refreshments
- 12h20: Poster Session
- 13h00: Lunch
- 16h50: End of Day 1
- 19h00: Dinner sponsored by BVI
- Thursday 24 August 2023
- 08h00: Keynote 2 – Dr Moetapele Letshwenyo
- 10h00: Mid-morning refreshments
- 12h20: Poster Session
- 13h00: Lunch
- 16h00: SASVEPM AGM
- 18h30: Transport to Dinner Venue
- 19h00: Official Congress Dinner at BotswanaCraft
- 08h00: Keynote 2 – Dr Moetapele Letshwenyo
- Friday 25 August 2023
- 08h00: Keynote 3 – Prof. Julius R. Atlhopheng
- 10h20: Mid-morning refreshments
- 12h30: Poster Session
- 13h00: Lunch
- 16h10: Close of Congress
- Free evening
- Saturday 26 August – Check out and departure
There are three ways to get to Gaborone:
- Plane (Air Botswana or Airlink) ± R5,000 return. Complimentary shuttle service available to Avani Hotel.
- Bus (Intercape) ± R500 one way
- By Car ± 397km one way, 4.5 hours
Documents Required:
- Valid passport.
- Valid Drivers Licence
- Original vehicle registration papers: Note that a certified copy is acceptable at the border post. Persons whose vehicles are still being financed by the bank will not have original vehicle registration papers. They would therefore use the vehicle license papers (where the renewal disk is cut out yearly), or, vehicle license papers: Must be accompanied with a letter from the bank giving you authorization to take the vehicle across the border, and must indicate dates. Both the bank letter and license papers should be signed by a Commissioner of Oaths. If you are not the registered owner of the vehicle: Please carry an affidavit from the police giving you authorization from the owner / financial institution to take the vehicle abroad.
- Vehicle insurance letter.
- Clearance certificate/Vehicle Permit: You need a temporary import permit (TIP) to bring a vehicle into Botswana. You can buy this at the Botswana border post.
- Indication of origin: You will need a country of origin sticker (ZA) for your vehicle, indicating the country it’s registered in (available at any AA or Outdoor Warehouse Store)
Border Charge:
- Road Transport Permit – P40
- National Road Safety – P20 – valid for a calendar year (up to 31 December) P20 will also be charged on a trailer
- Third-Party Insurance – P50 – motor vehicle insurance (mini buses and buses will pay a higher fee)
- Temporary Import Permit – TIP – this form will be issued at the border post on entry.
- Currency: Pula (BWP) (credit cards can be used, no need for cash).
- All goods acquired outside Botswana in your possession, including items you received as gifts, such as wedding or birthday presents.
- Repairs or alterations to any items or vehicle you took abroad and then bring back, even if the repairs/alterations were performed free of charge.
- Items you bought in any duty-free shop including such items bought duty-free on aircraft or ship.
- Items you are bringing home for someone else.
- Items you intend to sell or use in your business.
- Your laptop – serial number is required and value. Declaration in South Africa at Border entry, and again in Botswana at Border exit.
Find yourself in the heart of Botswana’s capital with access to all the city action, nearby wildlife and plenty of fun on site. Staying at Avani Gaborone Resort & Casino, there’s plenty to do, whether you’re up to business or adventure. Sweat it out at the state-of-the-art AVANIFIT gym, with cardio equipment and strength machines. Play tennis or squash, and splash in the pool. We’ve got international and African bites and refreshing tipples by the pool, in the restaurants or 24/7 in-room.
Avani Gaborone Resort & Casino has 199 tranquil havens in five categories, each featuring all the modern essentials for a seamless stay. Pick an Avani Suite for additional space with a living or dining area or be spoiled in the Avani Presidential Suite. Catch up on work or connect with our complimentary WiFi.
In the heart of our resort is a beautiful and rejuvenating spa that promises to melt away your troubles. Mosha spa offers a variety of spa treatments to satisfy any need. Relax and experience the calm and tranquil surroundings while you indulge in one of the many treatments. Simply reserve time for yourself and allow our skillful and experienced spa professionals to pamper you.
- 99 rooms and suites
- Central location in Gaborone
- 20-minute drive from Sir Seretse Khama International Airport
- On-site casino
- A stone’s throw from Gaborone Golf Club
- A short drive from Gaborone Game Reserve
Avani Gaborone Resort & Casino is easily accessible by car. The city’s Sir Seretse Khama International Airport is situated 15 kilometres from the resort, with a complimentary shuttle service to and from the airport. Taxis are readily available to get out and about in the city.
IMPORTANT – To qualify for the discounted block-booking rates, all accommodation must be booked through SAVETCON. Kindly ask your Travel Agent to contact us directly.
BWP1,025 / ± R1,500.00 per person, single, bed & breakfast.
Accommodation can be booked on the system during your registration process.
20th Annual SASVEPM Congress Organisers
SAVETCON Event Management
Corné Engelbrecht
[email protected] | [email protected]
+27(0)71 587 2950