Webinar: Fast & Furious – The Nuts & Bolts of Practice Management


This session is designed to equip veterinary professionals with the essential knowledge and skills required to efficiently run and lead a successful veterinary practice. We will delve into the critical facets that demand close attention to by practice management and ownership. Discover the importance of strategic planning, where you'll gain insights into setting clear objectives, […]

Webinar: Active Biome + Renal Defence


Optimising the care of pets with chronic kidney disease Chronic kidney disease is common in dogs & cats with 1 in 10 dogs and 1 in 3 cats suffering from this disease. Pets with CKD can have unique nutrient needs and finicky appetites, which often affects their muscle mass and weight. But with appropriate nutrition, […]

Webinar: Farm Animal Reproduction and the Role of Veterinary Diagnostics in Swine Farm Units


You are invited to join the University of Nicosia for a free webinar on Farm Animal Reproduction, and the Role of Veterinary Diagnostics in Swine Farm Units. 19:00 - Introduction: Dr Manos Vlasiou (Assistant Professor, Head of SVM) 19:10 - Farm Animal Reproduction: Dr Catalina Cabrera (Assistant Professor, SVM) 19:40 - The Role of Veterinary […]