29 August 2020

Session 1

09:00 – Welcome & Introduction (Hill’s Pet Nutrition Team)
09:30 – The year of the Rat (Thami Nkadimeng)
10:00 – 7 Principles of Consulting (Dr Alison Lambert)
10:50 – Building resilience: tips on handling anxiety & stress in the veterinary world (Mrs Desiré Rees)
11:40 – Entertainment Break (Larry Soffer)
11:50 – How to find the best fit for externships/electives (Dr Aubrey Kumm)
12:30 – Question & Answer Session & Panel Discussion
13:00 – End of Session 1

Session 2

13:45 – Entertainment Break (Larry Soffer)
14:00 – Unplugging (Eric Garcia)
14:50 – Assessing Quality of Life (Dr Mary Gardner)
15:50 – Breaking bad news (Dr Sue Ettinger, aka Dr Sue Cancer Vet)
16:30 – End of Session 2

Session 3

16:45 – Pitfalls in the exam room (Dr Andy Roark)
17:30 – Life Hacks for New Graduates (Dr Justine Lee, aka Vetgirl)
18:15 – Fear Free (Dr Natalie Marks)
18:55 – Close of Virtual Conference


12 September 2020

Session 1

09:00 – Welcome & Introduction (Hill’s Pet Nutrition Team)
09:10 – IVSA: COVID & Vet Student experiences from around the globe
09:30 – Equipping the budding veterinary dentist, including virtual demonstration (Dr Cedric Tutt)
10:50 – How not to get COVID from your pangolin (Dr Karin Lourens)
11:40 – Wet lab*: How to become a star in taking FNA Biopsy (Dr Hein Meyer)
12:10 – Question & Answer Session
12:30 – IVSA: COVID & Vet Student experiences from around the globe
13:00 – End of Session 1

Session 2

13:30 – IVSA: COVID & Vet Student experiences from around the globe
14:00 – Skin work ups (Dr Darren Berger)
14:50 – What I need to know about eyes on day 1 (Dr Lorraine Fleming)
15:40 – “Through my eyes” – A wildlife vet’s perspective (Dr Michael Kock)
16:30 – End of Session 2

Session 3

16:45 – The ABCs of Early Cancer Detection: Aspirates, Biopsies and Cytology (Dr Sue Ettinger)
17:30 – Body Condition Scoring in Cats and Dogs: Tips for Using the Tools (Dr Angela Rollins)
18:00 – Cats, COVID and crises in surgery (Dr Jolle Kirpensteijn & Dr Susan Little)
19:00 – Close of Virtual Conference


The African Pangolin Working Group (APWG) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the survival of the most highly trafficked wildlife species on the continent – the African Pangolin.

Hill’s Pet Nutrition and MSD Animal Health has partnered with the APWG to raise funds towards the costs of training and upkeep of a new Pangolin anti-poaching dog, to assist Havoc, who we already support.

You don’t have to be a conservationist to make a difference! Hill’s Pet Nutrition & MSD Animal Health will be offering fantastic free CPD with international speakers to vets and nurses and this is an ideal opportunity for the vet profession to Pay It Forward and be involved with a Social Responsibility Programme by donating to this worthy cause.

Hill’s Pet Nutrition will also match the amount raised during their webinars with the equivalent value in food, to the African Pangolin Working Group for their new anti-poaching dog.

Thanking you in advance for your support and generosity.

Click here to donate:  https://clickndonate.com/pangolin-anti-poaching-fund-goal-r-5-000/