Abstract Themes


SASVEPM recognises the importance of the links between the health of animals, humans, and the environment that we share. This One Health concept has been expanded to include welfare, since the welfare of animals, humans and our environment is similarly connected. The One World, One Health, One Welfare approach is critical for global sustainable development and economic growth.


  1. Integrating social dynamics in disease control & outbreaks
    1. Challenges and opportunities of small-scale farming
    2. Actual experiences and approaches to outbreaks in various settings (commercial versus subsistence scenarios)
    3. Human behaviour and how it affects diseases
    4. Occupational health issues
    5. Transboundary Animal Disease control barriers/issues
    6. Commodity-based trade solutions
  2. Adaptive Epidemiology for healthy communities
    1. Includes veterinary/human/public health/environment/epidemiology. Topics such as: AMR, environmental challenges (climate change/ pollution), zoonoses, vaccinology, Infection Prevention and Control, surveillance, risk detection/mitigation, biosecurity, exotic diseases, etc
    2. Applications of new technologies or novel methods (e.g. IT developments, Apps, drones, etc)
  3. World of Welfare
    1. Advances in abattoir and intensive farming sectors for animals and/or people
    2. Interconnections between animal abuse, human abuse, and neglect
    3. Relationship between animal welfare and farmer/owner welfare and socio-economic aspects involved
    4. Welfare at times of disasters